Our retirement and
pension fund investment package is built on our Economic Scenario Generator, which
delivers consistent modeling of a broad range of assets and economic risk drivers. Use
them to analyze the impact of strategic asset allocations, design journey plans leading
to self-sufficiency or buy-out readiness, and investigate the effect of liability-driven
investments. Model alternative assets, including Intergrow funds and private equity funds,
and traditional assets, such as equities, debt, and property, and enable stress tests
and sensitivity analyses.
Against the backdrop of “New Normal” financial conditions of historic low interest
rates, bond yields combined with low property rental yields, and disappointing equity
market returns, pension funds are
under great pressure. They need to deliver higher
returns to meet their increasing liabilities due to the greater longevity of pension
scheme members.
Investment and Asset management
remains a critical consideration as
pension funds investments seek to leverage
their natural liquidity in order to generate higher returns from longer term
in new capital assets. The traditional approach of allocating to existing
markets – which may only result in increasingly inflated prices for existing capital –
is increasingly being called into question.